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Google Things
Gviz Demo with Extras - data from html table (spreadsheet may be long gone...)
Registration, Login and Forgot Password using Google Spreadsheet
ChartMakerPlus (GoogleVizualisationCharts) - Scrolling Graph
Simple Register/Login (& Reports) Google Sheets Another Login with Google Sheets
Take Picture,Rename to jpg, Resize, Upload to designated folder on Google Drive
Writing Data from Google Sheets to Firebase that will be compatible in AI2
Infinite Pager (using extensions, 2 methods) and "Topics/Likes/Comments" - scroll for aia
Convert Make Colour from 64 bit to 32 (24) bit colour number
Take Square 1:1 Photo, add Frame, Write on Frame (Procam/ImgConv/PorterDuff)
Image Cropper - with extensions also Crop Image Centre to Circle
Flat File Database for TinyDB with CRUD - Basic and Image versions
Swipe a Book Example and One with Images and One Using Text Boxes and One Using HTML and a List View Page Swipe
Image Cropping with Canvas & Image Cropper Without Extensions (on the AI2 Gallery)
Set autoload to false to open AI2 Editor without opening a project
Drag a Canvas Larger than Screen Size - AI2 Blog - Emile Wong - 2018