Firebase: Setup

A quick run through of screenshots on how to get setup with Firebase for use with App Inventor. Assumes you are not signed into Google

This is the landing page:

Click Get started

You will be asked to sign in with your google account

follow through by entering your password on the next screen.

(if you haven't got one you will need one)

Click Create a project

Type a meaningful project name and click Continue

Click Continue

(if you do not want analytics click the switch)

Use your google account to setup analytics

Click Create project

Click Continue

Here we click on "Web" - it is the closest thing we have in App Inventor

Give your app a nickname ( I used the same as the project name)

Click Register app

You are then should your project/app details. You can grab these now or later...

Click Continue to the console

On the left, select Develop, it will drop down a menu

From the drop down, select Realtime Database

Click Create Database

Change the rules to start in Test Mode

(note they will time out in a month, so you will need to go back in and change them or extend the dates)

Click Enable

Some users setting up have found that using the [beta] europe-west location causes connection problems, so it is better at the moment (Feb 2021) to use the US servers. This will apply also to the Firebase Storage settings below

From the drop down on the left, click on Storage

Set your rules for Storage then click Next

Select a world location nearest you for your database

then click Done

Firebase shows you your storage area. Here you can create folders, see uploaded files and their metadata

On the left, click on the Settings icon.

This will show you all the settings and keys again

The second part of the settings page

From the drop down on the left, click on Authentication. This will bring you to the user authentication area.

Click on Sign-in method

Select your preferred sign in methods and enable them.

Here I have just enabled Email/Password sign -in

Your signed in landing page:

Firebase console